That is what drives us to do what we do everyday. Why are you in the job you are in right now? Is is a stepping stone to something bigger and better? Is it because you are in your comfort zone?
Are you truly happy with where you are in life? What do want from your life? Ok now we are getting somewhere closer to your real why and motivating factor in life.
If you are new to following me you know that my why is the blessing of our 2 daughters. I wanted to be home and present for them growing up and so I turned to learning day trading.
Then I set out to help others find out their reason why they might want to get into it and help motivate them along the way. Getting into trading and making profits comes with self motivation. For those that want to do zero work this probably isnt for you and simply hiring a financial professional might be better for you.
If you really want to take control and make a difference in your life and know you will do the work necessary lets get you there.
One of the tools I have helped to inspire and shorten that learning curve is the recent Modern Traders Summit. A great event which recently took place in Orlando. Everyone there loved the event from speakers to attendees. When you put passionate people in one room that are encouraging each other we all rise up. I thought ahead and made sure to record the event for others to learn from themselves and it is now available in my Videos On Demand in the main menu.  We are in the planning phases for next year as well.
Like first turning to trading it was something out of my comfort zone, however I did not let that stop me from making it happen.
All our growth personally happens when we do something new. It can be a success or a leaening learning experience. The same is true with a trade. It can be a successful profit or a learning experience about how to be better tomorrow.
No baseball player has a 100% batting average and yet they have success. No trader has 100% trading success yet  as long as the profits out weigh the losses there is success.
So to create that success you have to master your skill. That is why I asked 8 speakers to share how they had their success with trading. We are all different and have different thought process and enjoy different strategies. The main common attribute is locking gains and minimizing losses. So how can you get there?
Study, attempt, refine and do it all again. If you are building up capital practice the beginning steps with fake money as it is alot less painful to pay $30 a month to trade monopoly money and lose while perfecting your skills than your hard earned money.
For those that are ready for trading a real account or have one open I started sharing my watchlist daily to subscribers as a learning tool. I set up a Tutorial Video to walk you through how to use the watchlist and learn on how to set one up for yourself once you are comfortable. If you are interested in trying it simply sign up here or at the top of the page.
Carpe Profit! And grow that account one trade at a time!
I love hearing feedback from you. It makes my trading more personal and I like to hear how I can help you. If you have quest.ions or comments you can contact me here or on Profitly, Twitter (@jane_yul), Instagram (missairplanejane), LinkedIn and Facebook (@sugarairplanejane). or YouTube
If you are interested in receiving my morning watchlist email sign up here. It is affordable at $29.95 per month, which is roughly $1 a  day.
My book is available at Amazon FMJ Trust Transition Trade: How Successful Traders Said It, Did It, and Lived It . As well as  Barnes and Noble, IndigoChapters,and more.
If you want a signed copy please go to the book site
The tool I use for scanning and alerting is Trade Ideas who offer an always free trading room.  15% Off First Month or First Annual – Promo Code CARPETPROFIT15
For my charts I use which offer free charting and paid services
Also Stocks To Trade that has a 1 week $1 trial 
For the fastest level 2 I have found I use Equityfeed.
This blog is for information purposes. I am not a registered securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. The information here is not intended as securities brokerage, investment or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any security or fund.